from "Risk Assessment"
by Rupert Loydell and Robert Sheppard
Quality with a silent E thinking path diversion
rare intuition absent fair intonation absolved
slinking past 'Diversity' rediscover and claim 'Identity'
slide into serial thinking don't get around such many
core'zzs (splat! sick in sink... voices silenced
luminous dance across the carpet Quantity with a
roaring N refunctioning 'Inclusiveness' wrong-headed translation
surrealism an assumed given take up The Little Book
of Dada Qualia feed the imaginary fish
swallow the calm dark whoosh of Mammoth Books
with fish-hook spines shattered living fragments
hooked line and splinter on flatter shivering segments
dead swan of my reflection gazing back from empty page
and the moth books' dust cloud settling on my shoulder
annotated collections fade in the circling light
another unqualified dead duck swallowed by risk
R(is)k assessment weekend s(pen)t k(is)s pre(sent)s its weakened sprint
Tryst thinks little i n k (sic)k Tom is (her)e as well
taking F orm/rom one curve Form is opportunity From Taylor
b(end)ing (as)lant sm(ash)ing keys Farm To Let let go
Tristan risks asking (Tom)orrow Is older than today to go
w(here) far m(is)sives br(in)g tor(men)t (tent)ative (part)icipation
stamp (ping!) image on flung see(ping) see(king) presence m(is)sed
I(sold)e s(old) her c(older) he(art) (I s)(old)ier on regard(less)
no less a success a m(as)terpiece is an ex(per)i(me!)nt
that succeeds (risky Gil Evans miles to go (and I
no pre(tense) (comb)i(nation) )) Tristia in print
in exile Tristano emotes perfect Tom(fool)eyrie
w(as)te manage(men)t in (plea)ted in(for)mation j(us)tice
eagle (eye)d eager (be)aver(s in) for(mat)ion dance team fri(day) night
dum(pin)g the pois(on)o(us) detritus of our dispos(a)ble (wor)l(d)
w/out (try)st or promise kis(s or e)mb(race) high risk factore(d in)
Violence is a wasting disease with headbanging flesh-meets
with wigs like Pharoahs' stones and paper cut fingerprints
with bruised shadow sightlines snatching from yourself what's
given as little unforgiveables human life's distilled from it
Violet is a burning light with scorched splinters
with swallows from tilted microphones and cut glass senses
with heavy blue shadows fossils lifted like kippers
onto smoking walls humane files dictated for it
Viola is a wooden mask with antidotes to vision
with scratched veneers of bones a voice that scars
with highly-strung fractures humming the epic ballad
all the way to China where man directed: fire it
Violate each pile of chaos once it's stopped smouldering
Vindicate each other once you have hit the concrete
Vitiate bimbo men with suntan streaks firing plastic guns
Votive offering to war and power voracious need
Z-men, X-men and cybermen it's unhealthy to be
the Ventriloquist and the Dummy the pitcher and the catcher
be both sides of the net the complexity in simplicity is
in the timing (he said) (well he would, I said)
(but you disagreed) 'like a bine of twine'
Lightnin' sang missing his fret groanin' and moanin'
throughout the days feeling shapes of unwritten blues
the unceasing beginning (no end ever in sight
no sites worth the trip) a time-based text
an A-Z of Utopia a guide to nowhere and
everywhere you can imagine Sinatra ventriloquising Gatsby
at a quarter to three (that's my kind of music)
to be Bill Evans with you (reader) as Tony Bennett
said before breakfast and then doing the dishes
the ABC Song Book of the XYZ Universe
dancing yesterday's tune (my kind of muse - hic)
© Rupert Loydell & Robert Sheppard, 2005
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